
S&P 500 is Down 30%: You See Risk I See Opportunity! 

S&P 500 Introduction 2022 has been a bad year price-wise for the stock market as measured by the S&P 500. However, I contend that is not enough to simply know that the market is down, it is even more important to know why. Nevertheless, as you read this my guess would be that several thoughts …

Not All Price Drops Are The Same: Important Lessons On Valuation

Lessons on Valuation In this video on lessons on valuation, I am going to cover several stocks that subscribers have requested. However, I will simultaneously provide what I consider to be very important lessons in valuation. Not all price drops are the same. When a stock is dropping from excessive overvaluation it can do so …

My Visa Long is Getting Long in the Tooth

Introduction Over my lifetime I have invested in many different things.  In the process of doing that, I have learned that there are really only two types of investors.  As an investor, you are either active or passive.  Being active implies directly managing or being in control of your investment.  In contrast, as a passive …